Angela Stoecklin
dancer, choreographer, researcher, teacher
+41 79 408 14 17
Neugasse 33, CH - 8005 Zurich
Date of Birth: January 16th 1963
works of my own
2024 in preparation: dis/comfort zone, dynamics of change (interdisciplinary project)
2023 UMARMUNGEN, duo in collaboration with Anna Dahinden
2023 MESH, installation in collaboration with Antje Brueckner
2022 "bits'n pieces",researching digital techniques and methods in the analogue
2022 "safe new world" (party on the planet), installation in collaboration with A. Brueckner
2020/21/22 Parandeh, online Instant Composition with Iranian musician Peter Pierhosseinloo
(Festival “gate of Tehran”; re-connect Festival; Festival Afrik UrbanArts, Abidjan;
Virtual saloon series, Mark de Garmo NYC)
2019 – 21 “between heaven and hell”, outdoor project on group dynamics
2020 / 22 “city walks”, SEEDS Festival Stuttgart, Architektur Woche Basel
2018 /19 “city dances”, outdoor instant composition project, Zurich, Shanghai
2017 SPACE nr2, rain, installation performance
2016 “roundabout, windows of opportunity”, installative performance with A.Brückner, light, A. Caminada, sound
2015 SPACE nr1 “floating”, Soloversion and Trioversion with A.Brueckner and A.Caminada
2014/15 „erfrischend anders“, artistic research on interdisciplinarity with movement, sound, light and space
2014/15 one hand clapping, collaboration with Jan Schacher, CH, Cuba, Tokyo
2013/14 dense moments – a song cycle, collaboration with Jan Schacher, CH
2013/14 sounding bodies – moving sounds, collaboration with Jan Schacher, CH, India, Cuba
2013 „Particular Dogs“ with Angela Rabaglio, sound S.Berz
2013 „ghosts“ (Spazio Ludens 2), installative performances with A.Brueckner, light, A. Caminada, sound, M. Rueegg, space
2012 “trans-form” (collaboration with M-C Reber, music und Jan Schacher, video, image, interaction)
2011 “spazio ludens Labyrinth1” (walk-in installation)
2011 Zona Incognita (collaboration with videoartist J. Berrettini), stromereien festival 2011
2009 / 10 mélange étrange (dance/image/sound-performance with D. Zehnder, J. Berrettini, H. Buehler, G. Dihlmann)
2008-10 move2 (research music/dance with sensor-linkage with M-C Reber and J. Schacher)
2007/08 move1 (collaboration with the composer M-C Reber)
2006 bon voyage (installative performance)
2005 TREMOLO (performance, lenghth variable: 4h, 20min, 1h)
2004 “inter too” / inside/outside
2003 „inter” (site specific)
1999 “good morning, dancer” (collaboration with Eliane Kuenzig)
1992 Labyrinth
I regularly do Instant Composition Performances in varying constellations, often as collaboration of musicians and dancers (ao 2020 online improvisation with the musician Peter Pirhosseinloo for “Gate of Tehran”, Festival, Beta Stage Bern, 2017 “schimmernd”, 2008 – 16 collab with J. Schacher, since 2014 CoexisDance, 2012 collab with Markus Gsell, 2010 TARA productions, since 2003 x-group)
work experience
having started as freelance dancer in various companies and productions I still enjoy working for other choreographers. Being inspired by their approaches, their ideas, thoughts, imagery, and getting creative towards that.
2023 "dance me to the end", research dance and age/ing, competencies, shift of interests
2023/24 MMI (Mensch, Maschine, Interaction), artistic research on sound, movement and interaction in an installation with sound speakers on pendulums at ICST / ZHdK with Annkathrin Poepel (composing), and Peter Faerber (technology)
performance RaumKlangKörper
2022/23/24 biotic projections, "transreal spaces" with the team of Lyn Bentschik, Zurich
2019 no woman no cry, BBB-productions, Anna Heinimann, Bern, Zurich
2017 Frau Stähli geht vorbei, Tina Mantel, Zürich
2016 Plädoyer für das Jetzt, Fasson Theater (dir., chor. Nelly Bütikofer), Lachen
2014 -16 moving music: interaktive music-dance projekct, artistic work as part of J. Schacher’s research-project mgm (motion gesture music)
2013 vain combat, Douglas Dunn, “moving the city“, Biel
2012 TPO –Project JaJaJa, Pearson / Widrig
2010/11 “all I do” Alice und Komplizen, Angelika Ächter, Zürich
2008 Compagnia Vitale, Tessin
“Wo ist Hartmann” (chor. Corinna Vitale)
2007 co.ainsi.danse, Biel
“zeit.zellen” (chor. Susanne Müller Nelson)
1998-2004 Denise Lampart Compagnie, Zürich
"Les Garsces","Jalouscity","fog tropes","Shockheaded Peter”
2001/2002 "neuglas", "standpunkt" (chor. Eva Richterich),Zürich
2001/2002 David Hernandez, Brüssel
"piles","crowd","box" (performance art)
"blueprint's shadow", "blueprint"
2001 th53 ( dir. Daniel Kayser, chor. Andrea Herdeg), London
"I'm vertical"
1999-2000 Fasson Theater (dir./chor. Nelly Bütikofer), Lachen
"Violetta.Maria.", "Agrippina"(Solo)
1999 wip Tanztheater (chor. Eva Mennel), St Gallen
1993/95/99 Tina Mantel
"Manntje,Manntje,Timpe Te!", "Terpsichores Fest",
"Gipfeltanz" (innerhalb des internat. Bildhauersymposiums),Rigi
1998 Danza Momento (chor. Jesus Gonzalez-Cruz)
"En Mi Calle"(Solo)
1996-97 Tamuté Dance Company (chor. Erwin Schumann),Zürich
"Go+Stop? Stop+Go?", "Danach", "Images"
1995 Jean Isaacs
"Preludes and Passages","Geography of risks"
1993-95 cie n'est-ce pas (chor. Bettina Holzhausen), Zürich
"Nur nicht mit den Füssen den Boden berühren","Quasi un fantasia",
"nachtschatten", "carré blanc"
1992/96 Tanztheater Renate Killmann, Freiburg im Breisgau
"Zeitenläufe", Quintett"
1991-93 zet-Tanztheater (chor, Elvi Leu), Zürich
"Ruthli's Schwur"
1989-90 Compagnie Muriel Bader, Zürich
"Für Georges", "Montagabend Georgette"
1982-84 Jiolia Pyrokakou, St Gallen
"Wir funktonieren", "Wir?", "Freude und Friede", "Die Entstehung",
"Focus", "Die Vögel", "Tango Argentino" (im Circus Trettini)
2001 Heidi Köpfer, Basel
1996 Claude Perrotet, Zürich
"Raum-Tanz" (Dokumentation: Labanstudien von Lisa Ullmann)
1991 Roger Merguin
"Corpo Pompieri"
1986 Tanz-Video mit Jost Osswald, Basel
2022 Freiraum, work-grant from the Canton of Zurich for "bits'n pieces"
2021/2022 work-grants Covid19 from the city of Zurich
2019 invitation to the symposium SENS(e)ATION of the society for dance-research together with Chris Lechner and Sunita Asnani at ZHdK with a workshop on the tuning scores
2018 staging / choreography for “Dann in jener Nacht” of the female choir “vox feminae”, director Franziska Welti
2018 invitation to MTD (Mind the Dance) lab-residency and symposium of IDOCDE - International Documentation of Contemporary Dance Education in Vienna
2016 invitation to the symposium „sound-traces-moves“ of the society for dance-research with the lecture performance moving music to Salzburg
2015 „undisclosed - disclosed“ (group-work), winning project “Kunst am Bau”-competition,
Sihlcity, Zurich
2005 invitation to the choreographic laboratory “Dance Link CH & NRW in Lausanne