images, concepts, a movement pattern...
at arts school I was getting interested in spacial concepts and would find rules and actions to carve them out, with materials or with bodies. I remembered this only much later...
At that time I did not yet know artists like Robert Long, Christian Boltanski, Olafur Eliasson, Bill de Viola, Bruce Naumann...
I love to discover other artists' work and get inspired.
2023 joint online Performance with Elizabeth Tomos in the platform "together elsewhere" from PANCH and PAB Bergen
2016 Wiegenlied, video performance
For the contradictory lullabies „schlaf Kindlein schlaf“ and „Maikäfer flieg“ the same harmless folk-melody of Johann Friedrich Reichardt is being used. In the actual political context the songs gain explosiveness. An additional textual expansion, and the awkwardly swaying position of the performer, add to intensifying the contents. What is it we still want to lull ourselves away from?
Password wieg_16_06
2016 "ich sehe wen, den du nicht siehst"
Moving in the midst of public and catching people's eye -contact through two hand-mirrors.
Their reactions lead me on - wether I stays with them or change and look for someone else's contact, how I position myself and how I position the mirrors.
2011 “spazio ludens Labyrinth1” (walk-in installation)
a sensual moving exploration-game in which I tried to glance sideways at survival strategies, decision-making conflicts, coincidences, expectations...
competition and judgement wanted to be questioned...
in the due of four days I was continuously building and setting up spaces and niches, developing new questionnaires, new rules, new pathways
people were asked to follow the taped line. They would find questions at crossroads, and according to which answer they would choose they would follow another path. The answers were not always obvious, wanted to puzzle, to make you smile, to let go of
expectations or to question habits.
I worked with paper and tape, different materials, found objects, drawings and text, and of course with the different spaces of Tanzhaus
in the final dual room, a space set up for contemplation, I would meet visitors and we had profound talks about competition and judgement, meaningfulness and normatively...
"If I rode my bike straight ahead towards you in the wrong
direction, would you continue?
If I tied myself to a bomb would you throw it?
If I tore out my eye and offered it to you as another point of view would you accept?
If i didn’t play the game who would win, you or I?
2006 bon voyage (installative performance)
a figure in a state of almost floating, a clear light projects her shadow onto a wall, a sound-scape associates with...
bon voyage
2006 datanzda "Solo in Grenzen"
Dadahaus, Zurich
2007 Kuzeb, Bremgarten
m.a. Studio, Baden
2016 schnit_16, Bern
2005 TREMOLO (performance, lenghth variable: 4h, 20min, 1h)
2005 May “le look c’est chic"
Rote Fabrik Zurich
duration 4 hours
2006 April Fasson Theater,
Lachen, duration 20min
2007 February DaTanzDa “under
construction", Tanzhaus
Zurich, duration 60min
2009 May DaTAnzDa "Auftakt",
Tanzhaus Zurich, 2 hours
2022 July Soziale Eleganz,Panch
at Museum Tingueli, Basel
A woman has prepared and readied herself to present herself before people: not to allow anything to get out of place she holds still...
...however: there is all this inner movement, inner vibrating, wave of in – and outbreath, pulsation of heart and blood, nerve-impulses, all those sounds inside her, the monologues/dialogues between her self – that by and by prevail and take over – and: the outfit gets out of place, the hairdo shifts, it all falls apart...
again and again she rearranges herself, she has to be presentable...
„ ... her face is quiet, turned, but the inner disquiet like betraying sweat pushes through all pores of her body. The try to keep her balance – and then in one second which decides it all, to still catch herself with a clasping grasp..., and the strange, silently smiling quiet after that.“ (March-Anzeiger, April 06)