Arts are means of communication. Dance and music as non-verbal communication forms bear potiential for inter-cultural exchange.
How does the cultural background stain attitudes and expressions in art. How do social behaviour patterns influence artistic language and exchange?
In our times of globalization and individualisation - which to my understanding unfortunately more and more often are being lived out in a culturally splitting and disintegrating manner - I deem it necessary to find fields and levels of interaction where understanding and approach are possible and can be practised in a „safe“ framework.
Globality asks for communication, individuality and openness in sharing.
a dance inspired exhibition

collaboration with Studio8 in Amman Jordan on identity.
On hold for cultural, political and monetary issues
m.a.p.collective (2020)

this collective between Iran and Switzerland grew out of the desire to keep connected even when meeting and travelling during the pandemic is not possible. We explored and played with how we can interact online without loosing the sense of the analogue.
A regular performance-practice had wanted to be established via instagram. This collaboration is on hold...
trailer 2021_04_10: try-out-session of an online interdisciplinary, inter-cultural performance
cultural exchange project: improvisation and Instant Composition music/dance with artists from different cultural backgrounds
Through the playful way of improvisation we use our individual experience to enrich and be enriched in unique moments of sharing art. Improvisation is a playful form of interaction in which we learn to observe our patterns of behaviour without evaluation, and to directly practise our artistic means of expression in the exchange with others.

2009"instants 1" Bangkok , residency at Patravadi Theatre
teaching, exchanging and building a short choreography for the students
2011 "instants 2" Kairo, collaboration with HARAKA dance, sadly this had to be cancelled due to the just starting revolution. A postponement for 2012 didn't work out, the system had changed drastically and the positions in contemporary dance education had been shifted

2012 "instants 3" India
Bangalore, collaboration with Kha Foundation

Kottayam / Cotchi in collaboration with Saaram Center, Murielle Ikareth
Schacher / Stöcklin, dense moments - a song cycle, sounding bodies - moving sounds, one hand clapping (2013 - 2015 see Instant Composition projects)
Jan and I both love to travel, and we were very much interested in exchange with international artists. We traveled to Delhi / India, Habana / Cuba and Tokyo / Japan where we researched, taught and did exchange projects with local artists
a project in Kyoto with a group of deaf dancers unfortunately never got pulled through